RLI-SD Mission Statement

The mission of the Rotary Leadership Institute’s Sunshine Division is to provide an up-to-date, practical, and user friendly educational opportunity in convenient locations for Rotarians identified as potential leaders by their club officers. Rotarians who want to learn more about Rotary and how to make their clubs more effective benefit the most. Courses are given to foster leadership skills and Rotary knowledge with the intent to motivate the participant to be enthusiastic, creative and dedicated Rotarians.

RLI Sunshine Online

  • Live presentations with our outstanding discussion leaders
  • Interactive program, discussion-based training
  • Great content, convenient online format
  • Each Part will be broken into sessions of one to two hours each
  • Sessions will be offered on a variety of days and times making it easier to attend
  • You may register and pay for each session individually
  • Individual sessions are $15 each
  • Materials and login provided with paid registration

Part 1 -The Rotarian

5 sessions (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5)

Part 2 – The Rotary Club

6 sessions (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6)

Part 3 – The Rotary Journey

5 sessions (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5)

RLI Philosophy

“Having leadership skills does not alone assure good Rotary leadership. An effective Rotary leader must ALSO have Rotary knowledge, perspective about where Rotary has been, where it is now going and a vision of what Rotary can be.”

RLI Sunshine On Site

  • Live presentations with our outstanding discussion leaders
  • Interactive program, discussion-based training
  • Great content, convenient locations
  • Each Part is all-day and includes all sessions that make up that part!
  • Sessions are offered on weekend days, making it easy to complete an entire Part quickly
  • In-Person events run from about 8 am to 3:30 pm
  • You must take the Parts in sequence
  • In-person sessions are $100 and include breakfast and lunch!

Part 1 -The Rotarian

Part 2 – The Rotary Club

Part 3 – The Rotary Journey

RLI-SD, we teach LEADERS about ROTARY

As Rotarians, you are all leaders, some in your community, some in your profession, and some in life in general…

At RLI, our purpose is to give you the necessary tools and skills to be better Rotarians. As in every endeavor, the more you know about anything, the more interesting it becomes. Rotary is most assuredly one of those areas that the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. RLI can make that possible for you. Graduates of RLI are more likely to remain in, and be a bigger part of Rotary, than any other demographic.

RLI is a great place for newly inducted Rotarians to quickly learn about the “Object of Rotary”. Club Officers can build on their Rotary Knowledge to enhance their club experience. Club Presidents can expand on the skills gained at their President Elect Training Seminar. Long time Rotarians can re-kindle the old Rotary flame, and at the same time share their experiences with the other participants.

We have just completed one of the most successful RLI seasons ever and wish to thank the Directors for their hard work and dedication.

We wish anyone visiting this site to seriously consider RLI as part of your Rotary Journey. We strongly believe the Sunshine Division of RLI is the brightest division in The Rotary Leadership Institute. (pun intended)

Thanks for visiting our website, now come visit our events.

Lee Phares, PDG
RLI Sunshine Division Chairman 2023-2025

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Do you want to know more about the Rotary Leadership Institute? The Sunshine Division is here to help you. Many of your questions may already be answered here in our FAQ.

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Do you have questions about registration? Follow this link to learn more about how to register for and RLI Sunshine Division event.

There are a wealth of resources in every session

It’s Like Drinking from the Rotary Fire Hose





