General RLI-Sunshine Division Questions

Questions about the RLI program and how it is conducted in the Sunshine Division.

What are the Member Districts served by the Sunshine Division?
Districts 6890, 6900, 6910, 6920, 6930, 6940, 6950, 6970, 6980, 6990, 7000, 7020, and 7030 representing all Rotary clubs in Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, and a large area of the Caribbean are the current active districts.
What are the RLI courses?

RLI offers Rotary knowledge courses in three basic parts (Parts I, II, and III.), both online and onsite. The on-site programs must be completed in sequence. The online sesions may be taken in any order. There are Graduate courses available to those who have completed the three-part RLI curriculum.  The courses are designed to provide leadership skills while advancing Rotary knowledge and understanding.

PART 1 – “THE ROTARIAN Your introduction to the RLI experience. Begin your day by meeting fellow Rotarians and your Rotarian Discussion Leaders. Emphasis is placed on providing an overview of Rotary programs and helping develop ideas that participants can take back to their Rotary Clubs. Courses include: 

1.1 – I’m a Rotarian!
1.2 – Rotary Opportunities
1.3 – Ethics & Vocational Service
1.4 – Rotary, the Bigger Picture
1.5 – Foundation Basics

PART 2 – “ THE ROTARY CLUB The RLI journey continues, the depth of subject matter increases and focus is placed on fostering the qualities of a knowledgeable Rotarian by building on the basics learned in Part I. The day includes an individual analysis of your Rotary Club and its effectiveness. Courses include:

2.1 – Analyzing Your Rotary Club
2.2 – Planning for Success
2.3 – Fundraising
2.4 – Communication Techniques
2.5 – Membership Attraction
2.6 – Service Projects

PART 3 – “THE ROTARY JOURNEY The final phase of RLI, courses become much more in-depth and detailed. Learn about opportunities available to you and your club through RI and how to best utilize them. Understand what it means to be a Rotarian and how you can use your RLI knowledge to better serve your club. Courses include:

3.1 – Rotary History
3.2 – Leading Volunteers
3.3 – Public Image
3.4 – Rotary Foundation Grants
3.5 – International Service
3.6 – Making a Difference  (in-person only)

RLI Graduate Courses

For those who become RLI Graduates following successful completion of the three-part curriculum series of RLI Graduate Courses focused on one Rotary subject for the entire day and are comprehensive and detailed. Current Graduate Courses include:

    • Membership
    • The Rotary Foundation
    • Public Speaking
    • Transforming Your Club (managing change)
    • Facilitation Techniques
What are the teaching methods RLI uses?
RLI believes strongly in the facilitation of discussion method of teaching. It has been proven that facilitation of discussion is the most effective way to educate adult learners. RLI also believes strongly in small class sizes, between 8 and 20 maximum. 15 is ideal. This leads to more effective participation by all attendees. Our trainers are called facilitators or Discussion Leaders. Techniques used by our Discussion Leaders include discussion groups, role-playing, problem solving workshops, creating projects, and audiovisual presentations. Everyone participates during the sessions. A student guide workbook, containing the course material is provided to each attendee.
What does a course incorporate and how long are the courses?

The Institute offers a leadership development program in three full day sessions where each course requires approximately seven hours to complete. Courses must be taken in sequence – Part 1, Part 2 and then Part 3. Once you have taken Part 3, you are considered a RLI graduate and entitled to register for the more advanced graduate courses. Our Discussion Leader Training courses are by invitation only. The courses are designed to provide Rotary knowledge and to develop leadership skills for voluntary organizations beyond Rotary.

RLI programs are also offered live online and cover the same information as the on-site programs. Online programs are delivered in 1- to 2-hour sessions and may be taken in any order.

What else should I know about Registration?
RLI has considerable preparation involved for each class including: text materials, diplomas, and meals must be pre-ordered, and Discussion Leader assignments must be coordinated. Because of these reasons, RLI operates on a pre-registration/pre-payment policy. Walk-in’s are not permitted and Transfers and substitutions are not permitted except under emergency situations. All registrations MUST be received by the Registrar including payment no later than ten (10) days prior to the course date. If this Board Policy is not followed, your registration may not be accepted or may be CANCELLED. We suggest you register early and submit payment with registration. Class walk-in’s are not permitted. Everyone must pre-register and pre-pay. To cancel a registration, contact either the Site Registrar or Sunshine Division Registrar. All cancellations are processed in accordance with RLI Policies.
What happens when a class is cancelled?
RLI may at times cancel a course if there are not enough pre-registrations or Discussion Leaders available, or other extenuating circumstances . If this should happen, everyone will be notified in time to re-schedule the course. In the event a student should cancel a course, you must do so at least ten days prior to the class you had requested to be entitled to a refund or credit toward another class. Refunds within the 10 day period before a class will be considered on a case by case basis due to materials and meals already being purchased. If your online session is cancelled, your registration will be forwarded to the next date for that session.
What is the cost, and who should attend?
Registration for each live, in-person course is just $100. This fee includes breakfast, lunch, course material, and lots of Rotary fellowship; making this a good investment in your club’s future. Also, it is an honor and benefit of membership to your future leaders and tells them the present club leaders have faith in them. While these courses are great for leadership, they are also valuable to front line members! Rotarians and Rotaractors can learn more about how Rotary works and how they can be more effective.

RLI-SD courses are also offered online in 1- to 2-hour sessions. Each session is $15 payable by credit card only.

What is the Rotary Leadership Institute?

The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a multi-district, grassroots leadership development program of member districts organized into regional divisions in various parts of the world. It is not an official program of Rotary International and is not under its control. The RLI seeks to have Rotary Clubs in member districts identify those Rotarians who seem to have the POTENTIAL for future club leadership (not necessarily as club presidents) and provide those so identified with a quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills for voluntary organizations. The program is excellent for any Rotarian who wants to know more about Rotary and how to make their club more effective. For more information, please visit is the Rotary Leadership Institute?

What Time Do The Sessions Begin?
Unless otherwise noted on the DACdb calendar or registration page for the live, in-person sessions, REGISTRATION AND BREAKFAST BEGIN AT 7:30 A.M. AND TRAINING SESSIONS START AT 8:00 A.M. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH ARE INCLUDED AS PART OF YOUR REGISTRATION FEE. SESSIONS END AT 3:30 P.M.

Online sessions are offered in 1- to 2-hour sessions and are available on a variety of days and times. Check our website or the DaCDb calendar for current offerings.

When and Where are the next classes, What is available?
Click on the COURSE INFORMATION menu and then the COURSE SCHEDULE link for a complete listing. View Course Schedule and Training Agenda and View Maps/Directions to Training Locations. You may also view the calendar and register for courses from the calendar section of DACdb.